Two Room Types | A Symbol of Innovation and the Future

- Size:L: 11.5m x W: 3.3m x H: 3.3m
- Building Area:37.95 sqm²
- Capacity:2-4 pax
- The space can be arranged as a One-bedroom with living room or two bedrooms
- Size:L: 11.5m x W: 3.3m x H: 3.3m
- Building Area:37.95 sqm²
- Capacity:2-4 pax
- The space can be arranged as a One-bedroom with living room or two bedrooms
- Size:L: 11.5m x W: 3.3m x H: 3.3m
- Building Area:37.95 sqm²
- Capacity:2-4 pax
- The space can be arranged as a One-bedroom with living room or two bedrooms
- Size:L: 11.5m x W: 3.3m x H: 3.3m
- Building Area:37.95 sqm²
- Capacity:2-4 pax
- The space can be arranged as a One-bedroom with living room or two bedrooms
- Size:L: 11.5m x W: 3.3m x H: 3.3m
- Building Area:37.95 sqm²
- Capacity:2-4 pax
- The space can be arranged as a One-bedroom with living room or two bedrooms
Capsule House Structure
- Galvanized Steel Framework System
- Fluorocarbon-coated Aluminum Alloy Exterior Shell
- Insulated, Waterproof Construction with Foam Seal
- Tempered Hollow Glass Panel
- Laminated Tempered Glass Skylight
- Stainless Steel Entry Door
- 270-degree Panoramic Balcony

Interior Finishing
- 集成天花板及牆面模塊
- 石晶木紋地板
- 全屋照明、水電系統
- 空調、電熱水器
- 新風系統
- 全屋防蚊蟲紗窗門
- 標準色遮光窗簾
- 內附玄關鞋櫃及衣櫥
Restroom System
- 衛生間隱私玻璃門
- 衛生間淋浴房大理石磁磚地面
- 洗手台、台盆、衛浴鏡
- 掛衣勾、淋浴置物架、毛巾架
- 水龍頭、花灑、地漏
- 智能馬桶
- 照明取暖換氣吹風四合一浴霸
Capsule Structure
Capsule House Structure
- Galvanized Steel Framework System
- Fluorocarbon-coated Aluminum Alloy Exterior Shell
- Insulated, Waterproof Construction with Foam Seal
- Tempered Hollow Glass Panel
- Laminated Tempered Glass Skylight
- Stainless Steel Entry Door
- 270-degree Panoramic Balcony

Interior Finishing
- 集成天花板及牆面模塊
- 石晶木紋地板
- 全屋照明、水電系統
- 空調、電熱水器
- 新風系統
- 全屋防蚊蟲紗窗門
- 標準色遮光窗簾
- 內附玄關鞋櫃及衣櫥
Restroom System
- 衛生間隱私玻璃門
- 衛生間淋浴房大理石磁磚地面
- 洗手台、台盆、衛浴鏡
- 掛衣勾、淋浴置物架、毛巾架
- 水龍頭、花灑、地漏
- 智能馬桶
- 照明取暖換氣吹風四合一浴霸